Great Crises


Great Opportunities

In Great Depressions, most folks end up broke. But…and this is big…it is also true that great crises create great opportunities.

During the 1930’s Great Depression, at courthouses all over America, auctions were held to try and sell off some of the best farms, businesses, buildings and homes in the country – and there would be no takers! Anyone with cash held onto it for dear life – yet it was the greatest buying opportunity in history.

Now it won’t be easy. The first thing we need to do is protect our wealth. Without some wealth we can’t take advantage of the opportunities, and we can’t protect what’s really important – our health and safety.

The facts show over 95% of stock market investors lose money over a complete business cycle because they buy near tops and sell near bottoms where the risks are greatest and losses all but guaranteed.

Cycle of Investors Emotion

Today, investors are taking on extraordinary risks (near the top) for very little potential gain, whether it is in stocks, the bond market, or real estate. In other words, investors are doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.

Depressions are not obvious to most people in the early stages, but at the bottom everyone knows it. The sooner we can recognize a developing depression, like now, the better chance we have of protecting ourselves.

Holding onto our wealth is going to be very difficult. When an economy starts going south and asset prices collapse, governments quickly step in to grab money. The ‘have-nots’, already 80% of the population, will demand the government take everything from the ‘haves’, and the government will be only too happy to oblige.

We know the government already has records of everything we own and where we have it, and when they come for it there will be no warning. Did you know that President Franklin Roosevelt made possession of gold illegal in 1933? It seems unbelievable, but he did. He had the law go round it up, too. So, given the precedent, it’s entirely believable that our government will seize gold and cash. Yes, you read that right – not just gold but cash. With only 5% of all US dollars in cash now, and 95% just numbers in computers, it will not be as hard as it might seem.

April 5, 1993 Executive Order

The threats are many, and we’ll all have to manage them as best as we can, but here’s the deal – you need to have a plan in place. Not having a plan, or failing to put it in place beforehand, will leave you at the mercy of events with little chance of coming out whole.

Anticipating the future we all know is difficult, but it’s not impossible, and the more we know about likely future events the more we will be prepared to handle the expected and unexpected.

Being prepared mentally for what lies ahead is as important as having a physical plan in place. While everyone else is in a panic, your ability to remain as calm as possible and to use your common sense to shape events rather than letting events overwhelm you (like everyone else) is going to be key to your success. In some cases, you need to act well ahead of events, others you will have to adapt on the fly. In either case being prepared is the key.

You’ll need to know when the markets and economy have reached bottom, know what to buy, and when to buy it. And hardest of all, you have to be able to pull the trigger and buy at a time when the herd and your emotions will be going in the opposite direction.

We’re confident we can help you through the worst of it, and we are confident we’ll know when the bottom is in, and what and when to buy.

Are you ready to ensure your family will be safe and will prosper?

We’ll show you how, – join the Safe Future Group (it’s free):


Join the Safe Future Group and get all this free:

  • The same plan our family’s used to create the safest sanctuary in America; and you can use it to ensure your family will survive and thrive.
  • 7 critical things you need to do right now to protect your wealth, health, and safety.
  • Flash Alerts: Timely advice you’ll need to protect your wealth, health, and safety. The place where you can get answers to your questions so you can act before it’s too late.